Define your target customer to get dream clients and make more sales

I have had four coaching calls over the past week with amazing women, and in every single one we had an in-depth conversation about who their target customer, aka their dream client, is. So today we are going to talk about your dream client or who you serve. This is a super important topic. 

Listen, there is nothing I love more than diving into your business and getting you closer to your dreams. However, these conversations have made it very clear to me that it’s time to talk to you about who you serve because if you don’t have that foundation, it’s going to be really hard to make your business dreams happen. 

Here’s why: 

When you sell to everyone, you‘re actually selling to no one. 


But I want everyone to buy my fantastic product or service! 

Actually, you probably don’t. Here’s why. 

When you don’t have a specific target customer (I like to call these your dream clients or super fans) buying your products and services, you are more likely to end up with nightmare clients. These types of clients won’t get the results you hoped for and are likely going to complain and be difficult in general because it’s not a good fit. 

When you are clear on the single person your product or service is meant for, you lower the possibility of bringing in these nightmare clients because they will either self-eliminate, or your messaging won’t speak to their heart, and they will move on. This means that YOU and YOUR CLIENTS are happier. 


You’ll Find Dream Clients Quicker 

News flash! You can’t have a successful business in a bubble because your dream clients aren’t going to magically show up on your doorstep asking to buy your products. 

*collective gasp!*

To build a successful business, you need to start networking and getting in front of your ideal clients. One way to do this is to get in front of people’s audiences (think podcasts or social media live videos) where your super fans are waiting to find out!.

Do you know how to get in front of other people’s audience? 

By showing them that you can bring their specific audience value. The more specific you can be on the value you will bring to their unique audience, the more likely they are to put you in front of them. 

The good news is that when you are looking for one person (your target customer!), it’s easier to figure out where she hangs out than if you are looking for a bunch of people.

So it’s easier to find clients, grow your network and build your audience. 

Creating Content is Easier when you know Your Target Customer

If you are completely overwhelmed with content creation, like trying to figure out what types of content to post, where to post it, what your caption should say (the list goes on…), you are probably trying to talk to too many people. 

Think about it for a second, how much easier would it be if you only had to figure out what to write or post just for your favorite client? 

So much easier, am I right?! 

Plus, when you are talking to one specific person (even though in real life it will be many people who fit your dream client persona), then it also makesthem feel like you are speaking DIRECTLY to them. 

They will stop scrolling and think, “That’s me!! She gets me! I NEED her products in my life right now.”

*Bonus! This also means they will be more engaged with your content, and you can build a real relationship with them.

Grow Your Business Faster 

I know that it’s intimidating to hone in on your ideal audience because it feels like you’re closing the doors of opportunity and potential income (right?!).

However, if you are trying to please all the people, you will be overwhelmed and stretched too thin, which does not make for a good business. 

If you want to take your business to the next level, charge premium prices, and build a life you love, then you need to provide epic and engaging content, products, and services for the dream client you serve. 

When you do this correctly, your target customer will feel like you know them because you connect with them, which leads them to believe that you can help them (aka they will be lining up to buy from you).

Who wants to define Who You Serve

Are you ready to get clear on your dream client, hone in on your audience, and sell more products and services to your super fans?!


All you have to do to come up with your target customer is to define and start getting to know your dream customer!

Sounds easy, because it is easy. You know your business better than anyone else, so you know who you created it for.  

Let’s get started defining your target customer. Some people call this a ‘client avatar,’ ‘buying persona,’ or ‘ideal client’…. basically, there a lot of fancy names for who your dream customer is. 

Your dream client is the person who would get the most benefit out of your product or service because it is designed specifically for them. 

For example:

If I want to go rock climbing, do you think I’m going to go to Nordstrom for my rocking climbing stuff? 

Helllllllooooo, heck no! 

I might want to look good, but I also do NOT want to fall off the side of a cliff and spend the rest of my life hanging out with mountain goats. 

I’m going to go to a rock climbing expert place to get my gear so I can climb the mountain and be back in my chalet in time for happy hour. 

Who is your product for? Give her a name and get to know her so that you can step in her shoes. This is so much more than gender, age, skin, and hair color. You want to be able to be empathetic with them. 

Here are some questions to help you get to know them better: 

  • What problems or struggles are they experiencing?  
  • What insecurities do they have around your area of expertise? 
  • What are they thinking/saying?
  • What stresses them? 
  • What benefits will they get from you?
  • How does not having your amazing product or service impact their life? 
  • This may seem like a lot, but it will make all the difference for you and your business. 

What are you waiting for? Go get some dream clients! 

Now define your dream client, and then invite them to the opportunity of buying your excellent products and services! 

You are infinite. Take the time to get to know WHO YOU SERVE so that you can grow your business, unlock your income potential, and create freedom. 

What questions do you have? Let me know in the comments below! 

Pssst: If you like this post them you will probably also like this one about how to be proactive, or this one about creating a morning routine for success.

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Picture of by Zoé

by Zoé

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