How to Create a Morning Routine for Entrepreneurs

The early morning is my favorite time of day. The house is quiet, peaceful, and I use the uninterrupted time for hot coffee and my morning routine. This helps make me feel unstoppable. While I have always had a morning routine of sorts, I love my current one so much that I want you to create a morning routine for success too. Are you ready? 

Why do You Need a Morning Routine? 

You’ve probably heard that highly successful people generally have morning routines. In fact, if you Google it, there will be tons of articles, blog posts, and even entire websites dedicated to people’s morning routines.

But why do these people get up early (sometimes crazy early) with such immense dedication to their morning routines? Because it works

A good morning routine will set your entire day up for success. When you take the time to care for yourself and your mind first, before anything else happens, you will immediately feel a change in your confidence, productivity, and happiness

It will also enable you to show up refreshed as your very best, so you can focus more clearly and, ultimately, increase your productivity too.

Let’s be honest, some days go totally sideways and it feels like almost nothing goes according to plan. Now, I’m not saying that having a morning routine will make every day perfect, but it will definitely improve your outlook and make you feel better when things did not go as planned. 

Also, I’m not talking about a 2-hour routine, it can be 30 minutes or less! It’s as long as you need to get your mind right for the day ahead. 

What Should be in Your Morning Routine

To create a morning routine for success, you need to choose habits that put you in a positive flow, lift your mood, get you motivated, and most importantly choose habits that will work for you. 

I can’t stress this enough, the best morning routine is one that works for youYou want your routine to be a gift for yourself, not a chore.

Tony Robbins always talks about starting his day by jumping into freezing cold water. Now let me go on record and tell you that I will not be partaking in that anytime soon. It’s not for me. 

That being said, there are tons of different activities you can put in your morning routine. Choose the ones that resonate with you, and that you can accomplish without feeling rushed or stressed out. Here are some ideas: 

  • Gratefulness practice 
  • Meditation  
  • Cold shower
  • Move your body (exercise, dancing, stretching) 
  • Journaling
  • Morning Affirmations 
  • Reading something motivational 
  • Coffee time
  • Green smoothie 
  • Planning the day ahead
  • Get fully dressed (even if you’re staying home) 

If you only add one thing to your routine, make it a mindset activity. I recommend always spending time getting your mind right for the day. The large majority of success stems from your mindset, so take the time to get it right.

How Long Should Your Routine be? 

This depends on you. I have heard of people with 3-hour or longer morning routines, as well as 20-minute ones that work just fine. My routine is about 40 minutes (longer if the kids sleep in), but I also have a 20 minute version that works too!

You do you. 

If you don’t currently have a morning routine, then start small. Try waking up 15 minutes earlier and testing a habit like stretching, going for a walk, or turning on your favorite hype song. 

How to Stick with Your Morning Routine

The hardest part of any habit is sticking with it. Here are some tips to help. 

First, try to think of your morning routine as a gift to yourself, not a chore or a burden. Shifting your perspective of it will make a big difference. 

Then define your WhyWhy are you creating a morning routine? What is your underlying motivation for completing it each day? 

Are you creating a morning routine so that you can build your business? Do you want to take control of your health? Do you need to work on starting from a thriving and abundant mindset each day to feel confident? 

When you know the answer to your ‘Why,’ it will motivate and strengthen your willpower to wake up every day and make your morning routine happen. 

Write it down. 

I know you’re not surprised that I’m telling you to write down your morning routine. Writing things down works – When you fail to plan, you plan to fail! 

Even I’ve gone to bed and told myself, “I’m getting up at 5 am!” but without a plan, the snooze button is super easy to press. 

If you want to make success happen, then you need to plan for it, especially if it’s something that you don’t already do.

Start Your Morning Routine for Success NOW. 

If you want to create unstoppable power in your life, you start by showing up as unstoppable and taking care of yourself and your mind first thing in the morning

Now let me know what’s in your morning routine. Comment below, or tag me over on Instagram: @iamOliviaGabel.  I can’t wait to hear!  

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