Design Your Next-level Self (and live your best life)

We all say, “Live your best life,” but do you ever stop and think about what it would be like to actually live your best life? It would be pretty amazing, right? You would be more productive, hit your big business goals, and be more fulfilled in your career and life. 

What if I told you that you already have everything you need to live your best life and build your dream business if you simply design your next-level self

What if you already have everything you need to live your best life and build your dream business when you simply design your next-level self.

Wait, Who’s My Next-Level Self? 

Your next-level self is you

Now let’s picture your next-level self… 

You wake up at 5 am and don’t hit snooze because you slept great. Then you leisurely stretch in your matching pajama set and get right out of bed. 

You smile as you grab a green juice out of the fridge and happily get your workout in first thing. 

After that, you shower and get dressed, but not in sweatpants, unless they are the fancy sweatpants. Then you show up and take on everything the day throws at you, like a boss. 

Oh, I forgot to mention that you have free time in your day to take the dog for a walk, play with your kids, or read a book… all while you’re earning a living working with amazing clients who you love at the company you built. 

*Wake up and snap out of it!*

Well hello there, and welcome back to reality. Does your next-level self sound too good to be true, and also entirely out of reach? 

What if she wasn’t? 

How crazy great would it feel if you could show up to your life every day as her? 

You can.

You can be your next-level self, and build a business you love. I can show you how, step-by-step, in my Design Your Next-Level Self workbook right now!

Wait, this is crazy. There is no way that is possible. 

This might initially feel a bit “out of touch,” but it’s actually a very straightforward and logical process to design your next-level self.

How do I know that for sure?  

First of all, I know that most of us aren’t even taking the time to sit down and decide who our next-level self is. Sure, you might randomly have some ideas in your head that occur to you now and again about it, or you have a momentary wish, but then you move on. 

Those thoughts might be something like: 

  • “Wouldn’t it be great if I landed a client I actually like to work with?”
  • “She always looks put together, must be nice.”
  • “What if I had time to read more books?”

Or maybe they are more like: 

  • “Wouldn’t it be great if I didn’t have to keep working in this soul-crushing job?” 
  • “I wish I was the CEO…”
  • “Must be lucky to be bringing in $15K+ a month without working 90+ hours a week…”

Do any of these resonate with you? Maybe reading them reminded you of the times you’ve thought about what your business and life could be like. 

But, have you ever done anything about it? 

If you’re ready, I can help you design and become your next-level self now. Just follow the simple step-by-step guide that I created for you. Grab it here!

Why Designing your Next-Level Self is Important 

Designing your next-level self is important, because when you take the time to define how to live your best life then you can go and get it. 

However, if you aren’t prioritizing it or if you have never taken the time to sit down and think about what you want for your business and your life, then you’re not going anywhere.   

Basically, if you don’t know where you’re going, how will you ever get there?

If you want to build a thriving business, then you need business goals. If you’re going to build freedom in your life, you have to know what ‘freedom’ means to you. 

My Next-Level Self Story – Get Your Nails Done 

Maybe you’ve read this far and still aren’t sold on the next-level self because it’s “hokey” and will “never happen.” Well let me tell you a story about my next-level self. 

A long time ago, I created a vision board on Pinterest. One of the pictures on it was (and still is) pretty manicured nails because I love the look of nicely polished nails. 

I personally have small nails, and they are very weak and always cracking…. anyway, nicely manicured nails are on my vision board.  

Yes, my next-level self has pretty manicured nails. 

Does having my nails done really matter to anyone besides me? Nope.

A lot of people probably wouldn’t notice them (especially in quarantine!). Does that mean I shouldn’t want nice nails for my next level-self? Nope! It’s my next-level self, so I can want whatever I want to feel like a boss. 

But here is the important part. 

Manicured nails have been on my vision board for a long time, and it wasn’t happening. I rarely painted my nails and hated spending a lot of money to make them look nice. 

Yet there I was wanting to be someone who has her nails done, but not doing anything about it.

If my next-level self is a boss with good nails, why don’t I just paint my dang nails?

I don’t even have to go to the salon. I could take 20-30 minutes once a week to paint my nails at home. It’s only 20-30 minutes! If it would bring me that much joy, then why not just freaking do it. 

I know you’re wondering why I didn’t just paint them. 

And the answer is because it didn’t truly occur to me just how within reach my next-level self nails were. 

You might be thinking that this seems so obvious and simple and wondering why it even matters.  

And you’re completely right! It is annoyingly obvious! But I want you to take a look at your own next-level self list now and ask yourself how many things on your list are obvious and within reach right now. 

If you want to be the person who works out every day before you take your first conference call, what’s stopping you? If you want to earn more money, is it really that hard? 

What’s really stopping you? Grab the Design Your Next-level Self Workbook Now!

Design Your Next-Level Self 

Take the time to design your next-level self, and then act on it. Actually live your best life. Start that business, create a new income stream, paint your nails, whatever it is, do it. 

Then keep me posted on how it’s going – I can’t wait to hear all about it! 

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Picture of by Zoé

by Zoé

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1 thought on “Design Your Next-level Self (and live your best life)”

  1. Pingback: 10 Examples of being proactive so you can be more productive - Olivia Gabel

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